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Over The Top (OTT) Video analyzer for TELCOs Assurance Applications

Provides Full Visibility and Assessment of User Experience analyzing OTT Video Sessions over HTTPS encrypted packets.

Video OTT Netflix


Provide support for YouTube, Netflix, HLS based video services provided on request.

Video OTT Passive Monitoring


Analyze automatically in real time of all users video sessions collected from passive probing systems.

Video OTT Active Monitoring


Analyze automatically in real time video sessions generated and data collected from mobile devices or test boxes.

Video OTT YouTube

Today's networks are in constant flux and TV/Video use is, after the shift to LTE, the second consumer trend having the biggest impact on 2015 mobile operator tech strategy. Identifying the fault domain and bottleneck when troubleshooting these services can be much more challenging than it was with past generations of services, because OTT traffic is moving to HTTPS, and huge bandwidth impact, currently more than 50% is occupied by Video.


HighSee makes performance visible end-to-end, through a solutions that correlates User Experience, Video Service Quality and Network & CDN Quality. By inferring KPIs from live encrypted video sessions (HTTPS and QUIC), no reference is needed. Our approach is based on virtualized, scalable software utilizing a OTT ABR video analysis mechanism that enable drill-down on issues to any element within the service.

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  • Analysis of OTT Video activities per user, generating crucial information for TELCOs to obtain a 360-degree subscriber view.

  • Real-time monitoring encrypted (HTTPS) and unencrypted (HTTP) subscriber sessions in the core network, HighSee estimates events that may adversely impact the user experience, such as “session freezes” and poor “play start delays”.

  • Powerful analytics able to combine Key indicators to provide summary scores for three important functional areas: User Experience, Audio/Video Service Quality, and Network Performance.

  • Modern visualization framework where users can easily detect if poor score sessions are related to terminals/players, media servers or network behaviour.

Video OTT Report

Key Features

Use Cases

Video OTT CEM Proactive Customer Care


Reduce Churn and Retain Customers. Proactive marketing actions may be taken for subscribers receiving poor service experience.

Video OTT Service Assurance and Optimization


Optimize Costs. Evaluate Network Capacity (Cell, RAN, CORE) VS User Experience. Cache VS no Cache - ABR VS Progressive.

Video OTT Service Interconnection


Full visibility of the Video quality delivered. TELCOs have first hand information to manage the relationship with CDN and Video Service Providers.  


Avda. de la Industria, 4, NATEA Business Park, E2-P2-2ºC
Alcobendas – 28108, SPAIN

Tel.:  +34 914 904 103

 Fax: +34 914 903 601

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